County Departments: What's Open/Closed/Modified
Welcome to the County of Sacramento, Department of Personnel Services. We provide high quality human resource services to attract, develop, motivate, and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive environment. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, the County of Sacramento has over 11,000 dedicated employees who provide a variety of services including public safety and protection, public health, community services, municipal services and administrative support that serve a diverse and vibrant County. Learn more about living and working in Sacramento County.
What makes the County of Sacramento a great place to work?
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- Life and work balance for our employees
- Commitment to diversity
- Competitive pay and benefits
- Great work environment
On this site, you will find information on career and promotional opportunities, benefits, and other resources to assist you.
Contact Information
700 H Street, Suite 4667, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 874-5764
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please view our Organizational Chart for more information.
Check our Quick Links for more information.

Employment and Income Verifications for County of Sacramento employees are completed through The Work Number. The two ways to contact The Work Number are by calling
1-800-367-5690 or logging onto The County of Sacramento Employer Code is 18594.
Please note: The Sheriff’s Department and the District Attorney’s Office DO NOT use The Work Number. To verify employment or income for employees in these two departments, please contact the following:
Sheriff –
(916) 874-1195; Fax requests to
(916) 874-8105
District Attorney –
(916) 874-8530 or
加速精灵安卓官网Fax requests to (916) 321-2236